Fruit is over 700 years old and grows on
a treelike shrub
which can reach 25 feet when trellised like grapes.
In southern China the fruit was called Yang Tao and prized
by the court of the great Khans. By the 19th century, the English
cultivated it under the name Chinese Gooseberry. It wasn't until the
vies were brought to New Zealand that the kiwi fruit was given its
commercial name, taken from the native kiwi bird. The American
GIs were exposed to the fuzzy brown fruit while stationed Down Under
during World War II. In the second half of the 20th
Century the Kiwi became a major commercial crop in California where its
season is the opposite of New Zealand which makes this fruit available
year around.The Kiwi has a unique flavor compared
to a cross between strawberry, pineapple, melon, peach with a little banana
and handling Should be firm, round or oval shaped, free from bruises
and skin breaks. The skin should give slightly when pressed with the
Nutrition: 1 kiwi fruit = 45 calories
[ ID Chart ] [ Acerola ] [ Agave ] [ Avocado ] [ Babaco ] [ Banana ] [ Cacao:Chocolate ] [ Calamondin ] [ Carambola ] [ Carob ] [ Cashew Apple ] [ Cherimoya ] [ Coconut ] [ Dates ] [ Durian ] [ Fig ] [ Guavas ] [ Jackfruit ] [ Kiwi ] [ Loquat ] [ Lychee ] [ Mamey ] [ Mangba ] [ Mango ] [ Mangosteen ] [ Olive ] [ Papaya ] [ Passionfruit ] [ Pineapple ] [ Pitanga ] [ Pomegranate ] [ Pomelo ] [ Prickly Pear ] [ Quince ] [ Rambutan ] [ Sapodilla ] [ Sweet Tamarind ] [ Tamarillo ] [ Ugli Fruit ] [ Umbu ] [ Water Chestnuts ] [ Waterapple ] [ White Sapote ] [ Tropical Fruit Seasons ]