

Flavor Compliments
Pineapple Quality
Pineapple Grades
Weight & Portions

Pineapple  A tropical fruit from Central and South America and the Pacific Islands, notably Hawaii. 

Select  Sufficiently ripe, 1/8 of the shell yellow and of a brand that insures that the fruit was left on the plant as long as possible before harvest.

Market Forms  Fresh, whole or halved; canned in slices, cut, crushed, chunks, sweetened or unsweetened; canned juices, candied and candied peel in jars and containers; in marmalades, and frozen juices.

Serve  As a fresh fruit, as a juice, in fruit salads, in cakes and pies, in ice cream, as a topping, as a sauce, garnishing, an appetizer of a dessert.

Complimentary Condiments and Flavors  Ham and poultry, in Chinese sweet and sour dishes, other fruits, maraschino cherries, rum, brandy.

ID Chart ] Acerola ] Agave ] Avocado ] Babaco ] Banana ] Cacao:Chocolate ] Calamondin ] Carambola ] Carob ] Cashew Apple ] Cherimoya ] Coconut ] Dates ] Durian ] Fig ] Guavas ] Jackfruit ] Kiwi ] Loquat ] Lychee ] Mamey ] Mangba ] Mango ] Mangosteen ] Olive ] Papaya ] Passionfruit ] [ Pineapple ] Pitanga ] Pomegranate ] Pomelo ] Prickly Pear ] Quince ] Rambutan ] Sapodilla ] Sweet Tamarind ] Tamarillo ] Ugli Fruit ] Umbu ] Water Chestnuts ] Waterapple ] White Sapote ] Tropical Fruit Seasons ]

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