
Hayward Kiwi

Hayward Kiwi

Named after nurseryman Hayward Wright this variety is the principal variety grown in Chile.  The fruit is about 3 inches long with a thin fuzzy skin The flesh is bright green with the traditional edible black seeds in a sunburst pattern. 

ID Chart Acerola Agave Avocado Babaco Banana Cacao:Chocolate Calamondin Carambola Carob Cashew Apple Cherimoya Coconut Dates Durian Fig Guavas Jackfruit Kiwi Loquat Lychee Mamey Mangba Mango Mangosteen Olive Papaya Passionfruit Pineapple Pitanga Pomegranate Pomelo Prickly Pear Quince Rambutan Sapodilla Sweet Tamarind Tamarillo Ugli Fruit Umbu Water Chestnuts Waterapple White Sapote Tropical Fruit Seasons

Field Vegetables Root Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tropical Fruit Herbs Spices Mushroom Nuts Produce ID Test