UMBU (Spondias
Tuberosa)In the same family as the Mango,
umbú is native to the dry plains of northeastern Brazil. This fruit has
been described as perhaps the best flavored among all of the Spondias
species that when fully ripe the flesh is almost liquid, with a sweet,
aromatic flavor. The fruits are sour if eaten before they are fully ripe.
In its native region the umbú is consumed fresh, used in preserves, made
into juices, or sweetened and mixed with milk to make "imbuzada," a
typical drink of the region. with a delicious sour-and-sweet taste.
It grows up in arid areas of Brazil and its taste is addictive. You can
also buy umbu from salesmen on the street and eating 30 of them is a meal,
although it's smaller than a lemon.
The umbu fruit is oval, averaging 4 cm in length, with a 2 cm stone and is
rich carbohydrates and contains vitamins B and C.
An umbu will be ripe when it's yellowish green and soft..
