Green Globe Globe-shaped in winter and
spring; conical-shaped in summer and fall this variety is grown in
California and is the largest variety grown commercially The variety
produces deep green heads with some purple at the base in
summer, 3 to 4 inches in diameter, round but slightly elongated.
Thorns are more prominent in summer and fall. Some frost damage
may appear on petals during winter which is only a cosmetic defect. Good
edible petals with heavy hearts.
Desert Globe -Conical to round
in shape; green color. Thorns are less prominent with this variety. Some
frost damage may appear on petals during winter which is only a cosmetic
defect. Good edible petals with well-developed hearts.
Big Heart -Thornless. conical
artichoke; green color with some purple tinge. Some frost damage may
appear on petals during winter which is only a cosmetic defect. Good
flavor and wide hearts
Other globular varieties which are hard to find in commercial
production, include the White Globe, Red Dutch and Giant Bud.
European types widely used in Europe,
Thistle or Prickly
Artichoke, Violet Artichoke, and the French or French Artichoke.
