

Portion & Weights

Corn is the only native American cereal grain and originated in Mexico or Central America, and migrated south to Peru archeological evidence as far back as 7,000 years ago and played an important role in Mayan, Aztec, and Incan cultures-used for religious ceremonies, as currency, fuel, construction material, jewelry, food

Columbus brought back reports of corn to Spain after his first voyage in 1492, but Hernan Cortes is credited with actually bringing corn back to Europe; the Portuguese brought it to Africa in early 16th century.

Maize/Corn became popular approximately fifty years after Christopher Columbus' first voyage in 1492, and with it the curse of the new world: Pellagra. Pellagra. is a disease that is caused by a niacin or vitamin B deficiency. Also occurring by the body's inability to break down or absorb the niacin in the corn.  When the maize was used in the new world by the Christian colonists or throughout Europe, planting instructions did not come with it, nor culinary usage.  When Maise became the main item in the diet for the poor in the way of a porridge; other vegetables were not eaten with the mixture because of distaste.    However, the Indians had learned to process the corn in an alkaloid to remove the tough outer hull or seed coat and releases some of the niacin as well as eating beans and turkey. Pellagra was a main killer in the early years of this country and by the eighteenth century had spread from Spain to the rest of Europe.

Every part of the plant can be used, the husks for tamales, the silk for medicinal tea, the kernels for food, and the stalks for livestock feed.

Popcorn was first noted being served at the feast the pilgrims were given to keep them alive by the Native Americans, or the first Thanksgiving Dinner.

Maise/ Corn is a very sacred food and plant to the native Americans. Colored corn is used in ceremonies. especially the four colors of the cardinal points: yellow for the north. blue for the west. red for the south. and white for the east.  

Asparagus Artichoke Asian Long Bean Beans Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Cauliflower Celeriac Celery Chestnut Chickpeas Corn Cucumber Dried Peas & Lentils Eggplant/Aubergine Fennel Fiddlehead Fern Hearts of Palm Kohlrabi Lettuces & Field Greens Loofah Okra Peas Peppers Ramp Rice Sprouts Swamp Cabbage Squash & Pumpkins Tomatillo Tomato Wild Rice

Field Vegetables Root Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tropical Fruit Herbs Spices Mushroom Nuts Produce ID Test