Cubanelle Capsicum annuum vr. annuum Linne'
Other Names Italian Pepper
Flavor Sweet, 0
Shape Elongated cylinder, undulating, sunken apex, 6 inches long
by 2.25 inches wide
Color Pale yellow-green, to orange, to red, at times all those
colors at once, glossy
Fresh Markets, ethnic food stores
Dried Can not be air dried, but is at times dehydrated
Processed Not Processed
Available Cultivars Biscayne, Cubanelle, Cubanelle PS
The Cubanelle name is derived from Cuba, however it is thought to be of
Italian origin being introduced to America in 1958. It is possible
that the Italians first acquired it from Cuba or vice-versa.
Frying type pepper with thin walls and waxy flesh.
Excellent split and fried in olive oil.
