Banana Pepper & Hungarian Wax
Capsicum annuum var. annuum Linne'
Other Names
Sweet Banana, Hungarian Yellow Wax, Long Sweet Yellow
Flavor Sweet to hot, 0 to 5
Shape Elongated cylinder, tapering to a point, 5.5 to 6 inches
long by 1.5 inches wide
Color Pale yellow-green to yellow, maturing to
bright red
Fresh Markets and produce houses
Dried Not used dried
Processed Pickled
Available Cultivars Early Sweet Banana, Giant Yellow Banana,
Hungarian Yellow Wax, Long Sweet Yellow
The sweet form of this pepper is known as a banana pepper when sweet
and Hungarian wax when hot. Both look the same and can not be
distinguished until tasted. They are commonly used in their yellow
immature state but turn red when ripe and are popular in salads etc.
A fully ripe Hungarian however is almost too hot to eat
