
Cress Sprout

Field Vegetables
Root Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Tropical Fruit
Produce ID Test

A fast growing plant with a peppery taste, that's leaves are commonly used for salads and sandwiches.  Cress sprouts are used in the same way but must be used carefully as they have a more pungent flavor.  They should be harvested and used when the sprouts are 2 to 4 days old and 3/4 to 1 inch in length.

Adzuki Sprout Alfalfa Sprout Almond Sprout Barley Sprout Bean Sprout Broccoli Sprout Buckwheat Sprout Cabbage Sprout Chia Sprout Chick Pea Sprout Clover Sprout Corn Sprout Cress Sprout Fenugreek Sprout Flax Sprout Lentil Sprout Millet Sprout Mung Bean Sprout Oat Sprout Onion Sprout Pea Sprout Pumpkin Sprout Radish Sprout Rice Sprout Rye Sprout Sesame Sprout Soybean Sprout Sunflower Sprout Triticle Sprout Wheat Sprout