
Yellowtail Kingfish Seriola
lalandi, New Zealand: Northern kingfish, Australia:
Kingfish, Yellowtail kingfish, Japan: Suri, Hiramasa, United
States: Amberjack
Average length 50-80 cm, average weight 3-5 kg. Found around northern New
Zealand and also Australia with similar species in most temperate seas.
Blue green above, silver -white below, yellow on sides. Fins yellowish,
tail fin brightest. Common in coastal waters and around North Island.
Pelagic. Caught mainly by trawling, some by set net, line and trolling.
Landed all year round but more available during
summer. Size of resource unknown but probably small.
Flesh dark but lightens on cooking, firm texture. Regarded
as a sashimi grade species by the Japanese.
FAMILY: Carangidae (jacks)
