Red Gurnard Chelidonichthys kumu, New Zealand - Gumard, Australia - Gumard, Latchett, Japan - Haubau, France - Grandin rauget, Germany - Knurrhahn Rater, Greece - Kapani, Italy - Gallinella, Capane imperiale, Spain - Galina, Arete, Rubias Average length 12-20 inches, average weight 1 to 3.5 pounds. Found in coastal waters around New Zealand, southern Australia, South Africa and Japan. Reddish pink, sometimes brownish above, and white below. Large bluish green pectoral fins each with one dark spot and several small white spots. Its color pattern and very small scales distinguish this species from other gurnards. Widespread all around New Zealand on sand and sandy shell seabeds to depth of 150 meters. Caught all year round, mainly by trawling. A moderate resource. The related spotted gurnard is much less common and the much smaller scaly gurnard is not a commercial species. Flesh firm, pink, medium to low fat content and suitable for most methods of cooking. Scales too small to need removing. FAMILY: Triglidae (gurnards) |