
Orange Quality

Varieties of Orange
Flavor Compliments
Portions & Yeilds
Orange Quality


Oranges should be firm, heavy for their size and have good color, and reasonably fine skin texture for their variety.  Puffy or spongy oranges are apt to be light in weight, lacking in juice content, and poor in quality.   Decay is indicated by soft surface areas which are water soaked in appearance and may break under slight pressure.  Frequently decayed areas are covered by mold.
Florida and Texas oranges are frequently russeted.  Russeting and discoloration does not affect flavor.  Oranges from these states are frequently dyed on the outer peel to improve appearance.  This coloring does not affect the edible quality.  Individual fruits so colored are stamped "color added".

Orange Grapefruit Lemon Limes Tangerine Tangelo Kumquat Limeta Citron

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