Parsnips are cousins to carrots,
celery, and
fennel. A root vegetable that
when steamed have a sweet nutty flavor that combines well with many
dishes. Sliced dipped in batter and fried, steamed or parboiled and
baked they are sometimes mixed with potatoes or served on their own.
If steamed they should be steamed in their skins for best flavor.
If plain boiled, they require a strong sauce. Store at a low temperature
Nutrition 1, 5 oz. serving = 90
Flavor Compatibility and Condiments Soups,
seafood, lamb, pork, beef, nutmeg, fennel, celery, carrots, turnips
1 lb. parsnips = 3 servings
1 lb. parsnips = about 1 2/3 cups chopped or sliced
