

Carrot Varieties
Flavor Compliments
Taste Chart

Carrot     A root vegetable. The first carrots were natives of Afghanistan more than 3000 years ago.  Early varieties were red purple, black, yellow, and white.  The popular orange variety  has only been around for a few hundred years,. In fact purple carrots are still the preferred variety in Egypt.  

We owe a dept of gratitude to the sixteen-century French and German horticulturalists who removed the residual poisons for carrots as in their wild state they were somewhat poisonous..

There are two types of carrots.  early summer carrots are sold with or without tops.  With a long slender root this carrot has firm leaves and vivid orange color.  Winter carrots are a large fleshy root with a reddish orange color and often a lighter core than the spring.  

The carrot varies in size from long and tapered to short and thick.

Select   Fresh, smooth, well-shaped and well-colored carrots. Store covered, 1 to 2 weeks, and remove root tips and tops before storing. Available all year.

Storage  Carrots keep well in plastic bags in the refrigerator for some time.  

Serve Hot, as a vegetable with meat, poultry or fish, or as a soup or soup flavoring.

Cold,  cooked, in salads, or raw in salads or as an appetizer.

Complimenting Condiments and Flavors  Sugar and glaze, butter sauce, ginger, dill, peas, mint, parsley. Used in lamb, beef and chicken stews.

Nutrition  100g cooked = 45 calories                                                                                                                            

  Arrowroot Beets Burdock Cardoon Carrot Celeriac Chinese Artichoke Diakon Galangal Garlic Ginger Horseradish Jerusalem Artichoke Onion Parsnip Potato Radish Rutabaga Salsify Shallots Stachy Swede Sweet Potato Turnip Wasabi Yam Yucca Root Identification Chart Root Vegetable Season

Field Vegetables Root Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tropical Fruit Herbs Spices Mushroom Nuts Produce ID Test