Salsify A root
vegetable. Originated in China. It is said that this root tastes
mildly like fresh oysters and is, for that reason, also called the oyster
plant. This long narrow root has a creamy white skin with leafy
green shoots that sprout from the top. Harvested in the fall it is a
favorite on the European table and is enjoyed throughout the winter.
Today the oyster plant is cultivated commercially but also grows wild in
the Southern U.S. A black-skinned variety, called scorzonera, (from
Spain) is a close relative of salsify and can be prepared in the same way.
Boiled, creamed, fried and gratine'ed. It is delicious when
grated with fresh carrots, turnips or radish and eaten raw
Select The root should be firm when
Season October through May
Flavor Compatibility and Condiments
Good with shallots, chives or parsleys.
1 lb. = 3 servings
1 lb. = 2 to 2 1/4 cups cooked, sliced
Nutrition Fresh 5 oz. =
15 calories
Stored 5 oz. = up to 80 calories