Celeriac, Celery Root
Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
A variety of celery that grows only spindly branches, and it has a large,
round tuber root with numerous small projections on the surface. It
originates from the Mediterranean and prefers a warmer climate to celery.
The flesh is white with a strong flavor and rich in calcium and
phosphorus. The texture is soggy-firm rather than the crisp texture that
we are used to from celery.
Celeriac is a winter vegetable which is popular throughout Europe and
used extensively in Germany. Used in stews, stocks and sauces and
grated raw into salads.
Varieties There are two varieties; short-leaved and
long leaved.
Long-leaf celeriac is slow growing with a heavier root.
Short-leaf celeriac faster growing roots that are smother and
Nutrition 1 lb. = 154 calories