
Mushroom Chart
Wild Seasons

Enoki Mushrooms (ee-KNOCK-ee)

Popular in the Asian kitchen, these delicate long stemmed white mushrooms have small puffy caps and very soft texture.  With a vary bland flavor these mushrooms are popular on salads in the west.  In the wild, enoki are found in the mountains often right at the snow-line growing in clusters on deciduous logs. Under outdoor conditions, wild specimens of this mushroom are short-stemmed with caps as wide as the stems are long. Under artificial cultivation conditions first developed by Japanese growers, cultivated varieties of this mushrooms look entirely different. Manipulation of light, carbon dioxide and temperature conditions creates a beautiful bouquet of delicate, white, long-stemmed (4-5 inches), small-capped (1/3-1/2 inch) mushrooms.

Any attempt to cook must be managed carefully as the soft texture and structure overcooks and dissolves quickly. Enokis do not hold well and must be used as soon after purchase as possible.

American Matsutake ] Black Truffle ] Black Trumpet ] Blewit ] Blue Foot ] Boletus ] Buna shimeji ] Cauliflower ] Cepe ] Chanterelle ] Charbonnier ] Chicken of the Woods ] Cinnimon Cap ] Coral Mushroom ] Cottonwood ] Crimini ] Cultivated Mushrooms ] [ Enoki ] Fairy Ring ] Golden Trumpet ] Hedgehog ] Hen of the Woods ] Honey ] Huitlacoche ] Lactaire ] Lobster ] Morel ] Nameko ] Oyster ] Parasols ] Pig Ear ] Pompom Blanc ] Porcini ] Portobello ] Puff Ball ] Royal King ] Shaggy Lepiota ] Shaggy Mane ] Shiitake ] Straw Mushroom ] White Truffle ] Woodear ] Yellow Oyster ]

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