Sparassis crispa Rooting Cauliflower Mushroom, Krause Glucke
(German)Looking almost like a
piece of coral, with ribbon-like folds of pure white when young and tan
when mature, tissue arising from a central base, with some specimens have
reached as mush as 50 pounds
Storage Up to three weeks under
Preparation An extremely
versatile mushroom it has a mild nutty flavor. This mushroom becomes
crisp when fried and is an excellent addition to salads, pasta and
Found dried, fresh, and frozen, slow
cooking tends to bring out the nuances f this mushrooms flavor.
Season |
Jan |
Feb |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
[ American Matsutake ] [ Black Truffle ] [ Black Trumpet ] [ Blewit ] [ Blue Foot ] [ Boletus ] [ Buna shimeji ] [ Cauliflower ] [ Cepe ] [ Chanterelle ] [ Charbonnier ] [ Chicken of the Woods ] [ Cinnimon Cap ] [ Coral Mushroom ] [ Cottonwood ] [ Crimini ] [ Cultivated Mushrooms ] [ Enoki ] [ Fairy Ring ] [ Golden Trumpet ] [ Hedgehog ] [ Hen of the Woods ] [ Honey ] [ Huitlacoche ] [ Lactaire ] [ Lobster ] [ Morel ] [ Nameko ] [ Oyster ] [ Parasols ] [ Pig Ear ] [ Pompom Blanc ] [ Porcini ] [ Portobello ] [ Puff Ball ] [ Royal King ] [ Shaggy Lepiota ] [ Shaggy Mane ] [ Shiitake ] [ Straw Mushroom ] [ White Truffle ] [ Woodear ] [ Yellow Oyster ]