
Butterfish Odax pullus,
New Zealand - Greenbone, Japan - Bera-rui
Average size 14-18 inches, weighing 2.2-4.0 pounds but can grow to 25
inches and about 5.5 pounds. Color variable, usually blackish green,
lighter below; younger fish, 6-8 inches, bronze colored. Alternative name
Greenbone comes from green tinge in bones. Found in shallow coastal waters
in rocky areas, New Zealand and Chatham
Islands; most common in coastal areas
around Cook Strait, least common in northern New Zealand. Not related to
the warehou species and other
of the family Centrolophidae which are called butterfish in Japan and
other countries. Caught commercially by set nets. Landed all year round. A
very small resource.
Delicate, juicy flesh with high iodine content. Suited to most cooking
FAMILY: Odacidae (kelpfishes)
