
Bluenose Hyperoglyphe
antarctica, New Zealand - Bonita, Blue bream,
Stoneye, Australia - Deepsea trevalla
FAMILY: Centrolophidae ( butterfishes )
Average length 20-36 inches, average weight 12.5 pounds but ranging from
7-45 pounds occurs around New Zealand and southern Australia. Dark
blue-grey or brownish -grey above, paler to silver on sides and belly;
small scales. Distinguished from the groper by a laterally-compressed
body, a larger eye set lower on head, and a blunt snout. Distinguished
from the related warehou species by a larger mouth, more prominent first
dorsal fin, and obvious scales. Bluenose occur around New Zealand, and are
most common over or near rocky areas, 100- 300m. Caught by longline and as
a trawl by-catch. A moderate resource. The related rudderfish is more
elongated, brown - black, average size 50-80cm; is widespread but not
abundant offshore, 300- 700 m, and comprises a small by-catch of deepwater
Flesh firm textured, medium colored, whitens on cooking. Moist and
succulent, similar to groper.
RELATED SPECIES: Rudderfish: Centrolophus niger Warehous:
Seriolella spp
