Achiote is the product of the annatto
seed, which is ground. It has a brick red to orange color. This is mixed
with different spices, which gives both color and flavor to meats, sauces,
rice or masa when used. Annato is what gives butter it's yellow coloring.
[ Achiote ] [ Allspice ] [ Anise ] [ Annatto Seeds ] [ Caper ] [ Caraway ] [ Cardamon ] [ Celery Seed ] [ Cinnamon ] [ Clove ] [ Coriander ] [ Cumin ] [ Curry Powder ] [ Dill Seed ] [ Fennel Seed ] [ Juniper Berries ] [ Laos ] [ Mace ] [ Mustard Seed ] [ Nutmeg ] [ Paprika ] [ Poppy Seed ] [ Peppercorns ] [ Saffron ] [ Sichuan Peppercorn ] [ Sesame ] [ Spice Blends ] [ Star Anise ] [ Turmeric ] [ Vannilla Bean ]