
Brazil Nuts

Field Vegetables
Root Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Tropical Fruit
Produce ID Test

A very hard-shelled nut. Brazil nuts are grown in Brazil. as the name suggests. The triangular nuts grows in pod of a dozen of so, in a round. extremely hard shell. The round outer shell is twice as hard as the nut. The nut pods grow on the lower branches of trees, which may grow higher than 130 feet. The branches that nut pods grow" on, are commonly 100 feet up. The trees are climbed by hand and the pods are cut and dropped to the ground.

Freeze nuts, then break the shell with a nut cracker or hammer. Use the kernel whole or chopped. To slice, bring nuts to boil in water to cover, simmer 5 minutes, drain and slice lengthwise or make curls with a vegetable slicer. Toast slices in a 350° F. oven for about 10 to 12 minutes. Brazil nuts are used as an appetizer, in cakes, fruit cakes, Christmas baking; they may be ground and used in place of flour.

Almond Black Walnut Brazil Nuts Butternut Carob Cashew Chestnut Filbert Hazelnut Hickory Nut Lotus Seed Macademia Nut Monkey Nut Peanuts Pecan Pepitas Pine Nut Pistachio Walnut Nut ID Chart

Field Vegetables Root Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tropical Fruit Herbs Spices Mushroom Nuts Produce ID Test.