

Field Vegetables
Root Vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Tropical Fruit
Produce ID Test

Mentha   (peppermint, spearmint, apple mint, pineapple mint)
 Spearmint is the usual type used for seasoning lamb or for jellies. It is also used in the Middle East to make mint tea and for salads, tabouli, marinated vegetables and many other dishes. Peppermint has a rather warm and spicy flavor, and is used mostly for making candy and chocolate sauces, where it is infused into alcohol, oil or water before using.

Name  Origin Type of Plant  General Uses  Use in or with Market Form
Mint Mediterranean  Perennial  Flavor vinegar or apple jelly, garnish Juleps, ice tea, lemonade, lamb, fruits, sauce, onions, peas, new potatoes, mint sauce, candy, chewing gum, and toothpaste  Fresh, dried, bottled, crystallized, leaves

Angelica ] Balm ] Basil ] Bay Leaf ] Bergamot ] Borage ] Bouquet Garni ] Burnet ] Catnip /Catmint ] Chamomile ] Chervil ] Chives ] Cilantro ] Curry Plant ] Dill ] Epazote ] Fennel ] Fenugreek ] Gumbo File ] Lavender ] Lemon Balm ] Lemon Grass ] Marigold ] Marjoram ] [ Mint ] Nasturtium ] Oregano ] Parsley ] Rosemary ] Rue ] Saffron ] Sage ] Savory Leaves ] Sorrel ] Tansy ] Tarragon ] Thyme ] Woodruff ] Herb ID Chart ]

Field Vegetables Root Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tropical Fruit Herbs Spices Mushroom Nuts Produce ID Test