
Closely related to parsley this sweet herb with feathery parsley-like leaves
has a very delicate anise flavor and is often used in cold dishes, because
heat quickly consumes its flavor. Try in marinated vegetables, soups, on
potato/egg salad, or mix with butter and lemon and melt over broiled fish.
Traditionally used on soup-a sprinkling dropped on each bowl at the last
moment before serving.
Name |
Origin |
Type of Plant |
General Uses |
Use in or with |
Market Form |
South Europe
Annual aromatic herb parsley-like
Vinegar flavor
Salads, soups, dried peas
Fresh, dried
[ Angelica ] [ Balm ] [ Basil ] [ Bay Leaf ] [ Bergamot ] [ Borage ] [ Bouquet Garni ] [ Burnet ] [ Catnip /Catmint ] [ Chamomile ] [ Chervil ] [ Chives ] [ Cilantro ] [ Curry Plant ] [ Dill ] [ Epazote ] [ Fennel ] [ Fenugreek ] [ Gumbo File ] [ Lavender ] [ Lemon Balm ] [ Lemon Grass ] [ Marigold ] [ Marjoram ] [ Mint ] [ Nasturtium ] [ Oregano ] [ Parsley ] [ Rosemary ] [ Rue ] [ Saffron ] [ Sage ] [ Savory Leaves ] [ Sorrel ] [ Tansy ] [ Tarragon ] [ Thyme ] [ Woodruff ] [ Herb ID Chart ]
