

Lime Varieties


green in color and heavy for their size.  Deep yellow fruits of this variety do not have the desired acidity.  Decay appears as mold or as a discolored soft area at the stem.  Fruits that have been mechanically harvested are more or less subject to mold.  Sometimes limes may become spotted with purple to brown colored, and irregularly shaped spots.  this is a defect known as scald.  Such fruit has a poor appearance, but in many cases the flesh is unaffected.   If too low of temperature occurs during the growing season pitting occurs.  Immature limed have a tendency to become blackened, dry, and hard.  the juice sacks in immature limes will not rupture readily.  Under moderate pressure the sack protrude without yielding the juice.  This condition is called, riciness.

Orange Grapefruit Lemon Limes Tangerine Tangelo Kumquat Limeta Citron

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