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Grapefruit
of
good
quality
are
firm,
springy
to
the
touch,
not
soft,
wilted,
or
flabby
but
well
shaped
and
heavy
for
their
size.
Fruits
heavy
for
their
size
are
usually
thinned
skinned
and
contain
more
juice
than
those
that
have
a
coarse
skin
or
are
puffy,
or
spongy.
Decay
is
sometimes
evident
and
should
be
avoided
as
it
affects
flavor
making
it
flat
and
somewhat
bitter.
Decay
may
appear
as
a
soft
discolored
area
on
the
peel
at
the
stem
end,
or
may
appear
in
the
form
of
a
water
soaked
area,
much
of
the
neutral
yellow
area
being
lost,
and
peel
so
soft
and
tender
that
it
breaks
easily
with
finger
pressure.
Fruit
somewhat
pointed
at
the
stem
end
is
likely
to
be
thick
skinned,
particularly
if
the
skin
is
rough,
ridged
or
wrinkled.

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