

Blue Cod
Pacific Hake
Red Cod

Cod    Gadus callarias    Torsk (Denmark), Bacalao (Spain), Bacalhau (Portugal), Bakalar (Yugoslavia), Merluzzo Bianco (Italy), Gados (Greece), Kabeljau (Germany), Porskur (Iceland), Kabeljauw (Holland), Cabillaud (France), Treska (Russia)

One of the most highly desired fish it is part of the ground fish group that contains haddock, hake, polluck, and cusk.  A lean mild tasting  fish with flaky white flesh, the Atlantic cod has a sweeter taste than the Pacific.

Codfish has speckled skin, three fins n the back and a square tail. The flesh is less fibrous than the Hake with whiter meat than the other members of the ground fish group.

From the North Pacific and North Atlantic from Greenland south to Delaware. The U.S. ports most landed Boston, Gloucester, Portland, Maryland, Seattle and Alaska.

Cod must be carefully inspected as Nematodes, also called round worms are commonly found in its flesh.  Nematodes are removed in a process called candling.  The Nematodes present no known health risk but are quite unattractive to consumers if found in their finished dish.

Lingcod, Blackcod, Rockcod, and Whitefish are not real cod but are sometimes talked about or represented as cod.

   Market forms  Weight in Lbs.  Preparation


Whole, fillets, frozen, fresh, steaks, salted, smoked  10-100 Broil, bake, boil, steam, smoked, chowder


Scrod 1 to 2 1/2 lbs.
Market Cod 10 to 25 lbs.
Whale over 25 lbs
Snappers under 1 1/2 lbs.


Purchased Size Yield
Drawn 6-8 lbs. 100%
Dressed 5-6 lbs 80%
Sliced 3 1/2 - 5 lbs 60%
Fillets 3-4 lbs 50%

Bony Fish Cod Family Firm White Fish Flacky White Fish Fresh Water Fish Large Flatfish Long Bodied Fish Meaty Fish Monkfish Oily Dark Fleshed Ray & Skate Salmon & Trout Shark & Sturgeon Small Flat Fish Thin Bodied Fish

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