Strawberries of American, South American and European origin. Berries
were first cultivated by Europeans. When the Pilgrims came to the New
World, they found the Native Americans enjoying a native strain of
Usually sold in 1-quart and 1 1/2
-quart baskets.
Servings vary, but 1 quart usually serves 4.
Select Large berries of good color,
not soft, or spotted or mildewed. Keep berries whole and uncovered in the
refrigerator and use within 2 days.
Preparation Wash and remove stems or hull
only just before serving. .
Market Forms Fresh, frozen, canned in
syrup, in jams, jellies, nectars, toppings, preserves. Melba sauce.
Serve As fresh fruit, as stewed fruits,
in desserts, pies, ice creams, sauces, shortcakes, liqueurs, soufflés,
puddings, sherbets, in wines, ices and mousses.
Complimenting Condiments and Flavors
Heavy cream, sour cream, clotted or Devonshire cream, ice cream, sherbet,
cold rice, nuts, cinnamon, sugar, brandy, chocolate, champagne and wines.
Calories 1/2 cup = 45 calories