United
States
standards
for
grades
of
strawberries
are
U.S.1,
U.S.
Combination
and
U.S.2.
U.S.
Strawberries
with
cap
attached,
with
are
firm,
not
overripe
or
underdeveloped,
and
which
are
free
from
mold
and
decay,
and
free
from
damage
caused
by
dirt,
moisture,
foreign
matter,
disease,
insects,
or
mechanical
or
other
means.
Each
strawberry
has
not
less
than
3/4
of
its
surface
showing
a
pink
or
red
color.
The
following
specific
defects
shall
be
considered
as
serious
damage
(a)
soft
berries,
(b)
badly
deformed
berries
(c)
badly
bruised
berries,
(d)
decayed
or
leaky
berries,
(e)
berries
badly
caked
with
dirt
and
(f)
berries
with
less
than
half
of
the
surface
showing
pink
or
red
color