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Vegetarian diets have been around for ages and in many cultures -sometimes based in religious, philosophical, or ethical reasons, other times for health, economic, or availability reasons (or some combination)
Evidence in ancient Eastern cultures, often stemming from philosophical/religious beliefs- Buddhism advocates a vegetarian diet and spread through much of Asia
Also roots in Hinduism in India, evidence from Egyptian mummies of consumption of a vegetarian diet
Vegetarian "movement" has roots in ancient Greece -began as religious and transformed into belief that vegetarianism was crucial to healthy living.  The Roman Empire was also probably largely vegetarian, then fell out of favor for a thousand years or so after the fall of the Roman Empire
British vegetarian Reverend William Metcalf carried the movement to America in 1817
Due to food shortages in WWI, scientists explored alternative sources of protein found through non-meat sources leading to further increases in vegetarianism

Brought to New World Discovered in New World Chocolate Corn Crab Eggs Finfish Chilies Ginger Lamb Mushroom One Pot Cooking Pasta Noodles Pork Potato Rice Salad Shellfish Smoking Spice Blends Tomato Vegetarian Wraps.

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