

Dried Pasta
Fresh Pasta
Asian Noodles
Round Strand Noodles
Pasta Flat Noodles
Pasta Tubes
Pasta Shapes

Corkscrew pasta / pasta twists / fusilli   foo-ZEE-lee     This is an Italian pasta that is shaped screws or springs.  This shape is for pasta salads and casseroles, or for serving with hearty, thick sauces because this pasta has lots of surface area, and long v-shaped indentations to catch and hold sauce..  A long version of the spring-shaped fusilli is called fusilli col buco.  

Fusilli spirale are wound a little tighter than normal fusilli.

Fusilli is about an inch (2.5 cm) long, and about a third of an inch in diameter.

Bow Tie Casarecci Cavatelli Corkscrew Creste di galli Fusilli col buco Gemelli Gigli Gnocchetti Gramigna Large Shells Lumache Macaroni Malloreddus Maltagliati Margherite Orecchiette Pasta Shells Quadrefoire Radiatori Rotini Spiralini Strozzapreti Trenne Torchio Troffietti Wagon Wheels

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