Should be plump, fresh in appearance and fairly uniform in
size, clean, dry, free from leaves
and stems, and with full color throughout the group. Ripeness is
indicated by the color, which may be light blue to dark black. the
berries may have a light colored bloom which is a natural protective wax,
depending on the variety. As moisture is detrimental to the quality
of the berries it is important, the lack of it is essential.
Moisture may be caused by natural breakdown, decay, or mechanical injury.
Fruit should be neither green or over ripe. Fruit that is over ripe has a
dull appearance, and is often soft and watery. Berries held too long
after picking have a similar appearance to that of over ripe berries and
may be shriveled. decay is indicated by the presence of
mold. Blueberries are highly perishable and must be used as soon as
possible after being purchased. To prolong the quality the berries
should be purchased cold and kept cold until served.
