Lettuce Specifications Definitions
(1) Fairly uniform in size means
that not more than 10 percent, by count, of the heads in any container may
vary appreciably in size from the standard size head for the count pack.
The standard size head for a 2-doz. pack is that size head, having four
wrapper leaves, which will pack tightly but not excessively tightly in 3
rows, with 4 heads of uniform size in each row, in a layer in a standard
fiberboard container. Heads having lesser or greater numbers of wrapper
leaves which can be packed as specified herein are considered equivalent
in size to a standard size head with 4 wrapper leaves.
(2) Excessively tightly packed
means that heads are packed so tightly as to cause distortion or crushing
of the heads or breaking of the midribs. The packing of 24 heads of 18
size in a standard fiberboard lettuce container would result in an
excessively tight pack.
(3) Lettuce packed in standard
fiberboard lettuce containers shall have a net weight of not less than 40
lb. and not more than 48 lb. In order to allow for variations incident to
proper packing, not more than a total of 10 percent of the containers in
any lot may fail to meet the requirements for standard pack.
following terms shall be used in describing the solidity of lettuce: (1)
'Hard' means that the head is compact and solid. This term represents the
highest degree of solidity. (2) 'Firm' means that the head is compact, but
may yield slightly to moderate pressure. (3) 'Fairly firm' means that
although the head is not firm, it is not soft and spongy, and has good
head formation, and edible content. (4) 'Soft' means that the head is
easily compressed or spongy ."
