This is a nationally recognized
approach to kitchen management that seeks to identify specific hazards
at important points in the food production system. A critical
control point is a point during the processing of a food item when a
mistake in maintaining proper temperatures, storage, preparation,
handling, cooking, or service procedures, along the food delivery and
preparation chain, could result in the illness or even death of a guest.
When implemented the knowledge of HACCP guidelines constantly remind
food service workers of the importance of inspection and
sanitation controls of the products they use. Knowing the proper
procedures and recognizing the quality and wholesomeness of food also
helps to insure a quality product to the guest.
The primary weapons against food borne illness are heat and the
removal of heat (cooling) from raw and prepared product. Microbes
grow slowly at cooler temperatures and when heat is applied to a product
for a period of time it will destroy bacteria. Both proper cooling and
heating of a product prior to service will help insure slower bacteria
growth in that product held prior to service.
Although heating and in some cases freezing will reduce the number of
bacteria, it will to make a spoiled food wholesome. Most toxins
produced by bacteria are not destroyed by the temperature at which foods
are cooked.