
Green Beans

Green Bean Varieties
Flavor Compliments
Approximate Yeilds

Bean Sprouts

Blue Lake Green Beans

Green Bean Plant

   Cultivated in the Old World.

Select  Green, string or wax beans.
Brightly colored beans, green or yellow depending on variety, they should be young and tender, firm and crisp.  The beans should snap easily when bent. Avoid discolored, limp, bulging or whitish beans. Store, covered in  refrigerator and use as soon as possible.

Storing & Handling
Short term storage of  7 days or less: 45-50 degrees F or 7-10 degrees C,  85-95% relative humidity

Serve Hot, as a vegetable with meats, poultry and fish.

Cold, as a salad or appetizer.

Nutrition  Snap beans average 35 calories per 1 cup serving

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Pole Bean Kwintus Pole Bean Purple Peacock Pole Bean Marvel Vencia Pole Bean G&Y Anilino

Green Beans Edamame Fava Beans Lima Beans

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