
Glazing Slices

Gelatin Preparation
Cover Glazing Trays
Setting Chafing Dish Station
Glazing Techniques
Cleaning & Detailing

Food slices are glazed using a specialized dipping tool.

Wearing rubber gloves, lift the slice using the dipping tool and a palette knife. Dip the slice in the aspic, making sure all sides receive an even coating.

Keeping the slice level so the aspic doesn't pour off, blot it quickly against the warm towel. Don't blot for more than a second, or you will remove too much aspic.

Place the slice on a prepared sheet pan, sliding it off the dipping tool using the palette knife. Done properly and with care, you will have no drips or run-off to clean up later, thus saving hours of valuable time.

Continue dipping slices until all have once coat of aspic. As when laying out the coated food, be sure to line up dipped pieces in the order in which they were sliced.

Place the dipped slices in the cooler. Do not try to apply a second coat until the first coat is firmly set.

As with other foods, cool thoroughly before applying a second or third coat.

Glazing Slices Glazing Delicate Items

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