For general glazing:
12 oz. gelatin
1 gal. cold water
For warm-weather/ high humidity glazing:
16 oz. gelatin
1 gal. cold water
For highly skilled chefs desiring a very clear and moist end product:
8 oz. gelatin
1 gal. cold water
Pour the water into a clean stainless steal container. Slowly pour the
gelatin over the water while gently stirring, being careful not to create
foam or bubbles which you will have to remove later. Let the gelatin
"bloom," or soften, for at least 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, prepare several other items which you will need while
glazing. First, wipe the bottoms of half-size sheet pans (preferably
plastic) with plastic wrap. Be sure to remove all bubbles and wrinkles.
Cross stack the sheet pans and set aside in a cool place.
4. Set up a chafing dish with 1 inch of hot water, a perforated 2-inch
pan and several lays of damp terry-cloth towel.
5. When the gelatin has bloomed properly, place the container in a
large pot and pour hot water around it. Place on the stove and heat,
keeping the water around 180F while the gelatin melts and forms aspic.
When all the gelatin is melted and the aspic is crystal-clear, remove the
container or add ice to the hot water to cool the aspic to between 84F and
87F. Check the temperature with a thermometer -don't guess!
Maintain this temperature throughout the glazing process.
