Introduction to Gelatin
The gelatin that you select will be very important to the outcome of
your cold plate or platter.
Inspect the label for the term BLOOM. Bloom is the amount of absorption
power that the gelatin holds. The higher the number the stronger the
gelatin. For the purpose of glazing we have found that the 225 bloom fits
our needs the best. If a higher bloom is used it often pulls to much
moisture out of the slices causing them to prematurely curl or discolor.
Gelatin that is too strong also often gives the food a yellowish tinge.
The recipes below are made with 225-bloom gelatin powder.
Pay very close attention to the following steps and the discipline
creating a clean, natural and eyeing appealing display.
1. Start by gathering he proper tools. Tools should be laid out in such
a manner that will be easily accessible throughout the glazing process.
2. Weigh the 225 bloom gelatin and measure the water using the
following ratios