
Angle Slicing

Proper Planning
Dimension & Height

Slicing plays an important role in presentation from the viewpoint of line and flow. If care and skill is taken in the process the even slices laid out in the proper order gives a comfortable and professional looking presentation to the observer. If further skill is demonstrated by incorporating angles into the slices the food gives the appearance of almost being locked together. This is accomplished as a result of the softening or smoothing of lines. As you will note, even in a simple shingling of slices the more of an angle used the less ridges are evident in the layout. Angles that are most common are a diagonal cut or the combination of the diagonal with a bias. Remember that it takes a great deal of skill and therefore practice to execute these cuts evenly, but the effect is very noticeable and positive.


Proper Planning Layout Dimension & Height Seviceability Slicing

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