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Milanaise A La (Fr)  Milan style; used for foods dipped into egg and bread crumbs mixed with grated Parmesan cheese and sautéed.  also used to describe the Milan style of cooking rice  (risotto) made with saffron and wine

Macedoine Macerate Madeira Madeleine Madrilene Maitre D Hotel Butter Maraschino Marinade Marinate Marmite Marron Marsala Marzipan Mask Matelote Matignon Meat Extract Medallions Melba Sauce Melba Toast Meler Meringue Metabolism Mettwurst Meuniere Mignonette Mijoter Milanaise Milano Salami Mireproix Mise En Place Mix Mixed Grill Mocha Mohn Monter Mortadella Mortadella German Style Moullier Mousse Mousseline Mouton Mozzarella Munster Mysost

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