
Sap Sago Cheese

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen

An imported Swiss hard cheese that has no fat. Flavored with herbs, it must be grated.


  Milk Used Aging Period Color Texture Flavor Purchase Unit
Sap Sago Cheese

Skimmed cow’s milk

5 months or more Light green due to the dried, powdered clover leaves which
are added
Hard and granular Sweet 4-oz. cones, 4 in. high, 2 in. at top, 2 inches
diameter base
Moisture 38.0% maximum

Uses: Grated to flavor soups, meats, macaroni, spaghetti, hot vegetables; mixed with butter makes a good spread on crackers or bread

Alentejo ] Allgau Emmentaller ] Apple Cheese ] Asiago ] Cheshire Cheese ] English Cheddar ] Gammelost ] Gruyere Cheese ] Hard Cheese ] Parmesan ] Pineapple Cheese ] Romano Cheese ] [ Sap Sago Cheese ]

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