
Pasta Filata

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen

Cheeses included in this category are:

Cacciocavallo Cheese Mozzarella Provolone Asadero Scamorza String Cheese

Pasta Filata translates literally from Italian to "Spun Paste or Curd", and refers to the process by which cheesemakers knead and pull the curds when making these cheeses. The curds are placed in hot water, kneaded and stretched almost like a saltwater taffy. This process limes up all the strands parallel to one another, and allows these cheeses to melt and flow when heated, and also to stretch when pulled. This same process is how string cheese is made. String cheese is basically Mozzarella made in a different shape. Whole Milk Mozzarella has the most buttery flavor, creamiest texture, and the best hot performance traits of melt and flow to cover a pizza. It will however oil off in cooking more than a Part Skim Mozzarella. Part Skim Mozzarella has the best cold performance or mechanical manipulation for slicing. It will not melt and flow as quickly or completely as Whole m\Milk Mozzarella, and it will brown more quickly. For combining the best traits ofmelt and flow to cover, and browning, the vast majority of pizza
blend combine Whole Milk and Part Skim Mozzarella.

Provolone is made by the same process as Mozzarella, but it has more and different cultures, resulting in a fuller more pronounced flavor. Because of the additional cultures, Provolone is also more suitable for aging.

Cacciocavallo Cheese Mozzarella Provolone Asadero String Cheese

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