
Feta Cheese

Unripened Cheese
Soft Ripen Cheese
Semi-Soft Cheese
Pasta Filata
Firm Ripened
Hard Ripened
Blue-Vein Mold Ripen

The most famous and widely eaten of all the Greek cheeses -  salty, creamy, crumbly, but sliceable and becomes drier and saltier with age. Feta is a classic Greek curd cheese whose tradition dates back thousands of years and is still made by shepherds in the Greek mountains with unpasteurized milk. It was originally made with goat's or sheep's milk, but today much is often made commercially with pasteurized cow's milk . The curdled milk (curdled with rennet) is separated and allowed to drain in a special mold or a cloth bag.  It is cut into large slices (feta means 'slice') that are salted and then packed in barrels filled with whey or brine for a week to several months.

A table cheese used for appetizers and as an ingredient in cooking.

  Aging Period Color Texture Flavor Purchase Unit
Feta Salted and cured in a brine solution for 1 week to several months White  can range from soft to semi-hard, salty flavor that can range from mild to sharp formed into square cakes
Milkfat content can range from 30 to 60 percent; most is around 45 percent

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