
Vegetable Preparation

Cooking Systems

bulletVegetables are are washed and drained after they are cut, then set aside for cooking.
bulletIf frozen vegetables must be used they should be thawed completely, pieces separated, and all excess moisture drained off.
bulletWhen possible do not wash vegetables until the time of cooking because once washed and put into the refrigerator, they may soften. Vegetables should not be left at room temperature for, any length of time but should be kept well chilled in the refrigerator  where light, water, air, and heat cannot reach them and affect their nutritional value.
bulletIf vegetables must be washed for a long period before use, they should be placed in a plastic bag with holes.
bulletAvoid washing vegetables with loose leaves too far in advance as they tend to wilt and rot.
bulletNon-leafy vegetables are frequently parboiled beforehand to save time and to avoid overcooking the other ingredients in the recipe.

Cutting Vegetable Preparation Cornstarch Dried Ingredients Soups Eggs Fats & Oils Fish & Shellfish Rice Noodles Duck Pork Desserts.

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