
Rice Preparation

Rice Preparation
Holding Rice
Reheat Rice

Rice may be cooked three ways steamed or boiled, congee or thick.

Once the proper technique for obtaining the desired consistency has been established, a little experience will readily produce the same kind of rice each time.

Begin with the use of high heat and an uncovered pot. If foaming occurs, the heat should be adjusted so that the contents of the pot do not foam over the stove. Allow the rice to swell; when the liquid is almost completely absorbed, cover the pot and lower the heat. Allow to cook for 15 more minutes. The type of pot used is important. It should have a snug lid and be made of aluminum so that if the rice is left on low heat for too long, it will not burn. Rice has a tendency to burn in copper-bottomed pots, and charred rice is difficult to remove. Always use the same pot for cooking rice since it will then be easier to judge how much water to add each time.

Steamed / Boiled Congee Preparation Thick Rice.

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