

Boiling & Simmering

Glazing -

Glazing is similar to braising but used for white meat and poultry, as well as some vegetables.  To glaze white meat, such as veal, turkey or chicken begin by searing, with a mirepoix, covered in the oven at 350°F (170°C).  Add white wine or marinade to deglaze the pan, reduce and base or glaze the meat.  The glaze will coat the meat to prevent loss of juices. Add stock until it reaches one sixth the depth of the meat.  Braise, covered, at 325°F (160°), basting frequently until tender.  Increase the oven temperature to 400°F (200°C) and cover the meat with a strong glaze, which has been produced by the high gelatin content of the meat combined with the stock and wine.  remove the meat, add the wine and stock reduce strain and degrease.

To glaze vegetables (carrots, parsnips, chestnuts, etc.) blanch first, then place in a sauce pan with a small amount of stock or water.  Add a small amount of whole butter and sugar, and stew at 300° F (150° C).  Uncover, increase the temperature to 400° F (200° C), and glaze by shaking the pan to coat the vegetables. Add a little more sugar toward the end of the cooking time to increase the glazing effect.

Braise Pot Roasting Stewing Glazing.

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