


The Pampas region of Argentina and Uruguay. which was governed by the Spanish. proved to be much more valuable than the gold taken from the Incas. The rich fertile ground was perfect for raising cattle. Beef is the mainstay of Argentina  prepared in a multitude of ways and is eaten at almost every meal. The gauchos or cowboys of the pampas cooked the beef over open fires. The feasts were called Asados. Today beef is still grilled over open flames and it is very common to have the meat cooked with the hide on (carne con cuerco) it is said to improve the flavor). There are restaurants called Parrilladas, which specialize in vertical spit roasting. The meat is placed on spits which look like swords and are placed tip down into and around hot coals to roast the meats. Both Argentina and Uruguay have large populations of Italians and Germans, along with English, Irish and Swiss, who came and settled in South America much later; all of them helped to add to the variety to the cuisine.

Argentine Churrasco.

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