
Escargo Turc

Garden Snail
Escargo Turc
Vineyard Snail
Wood Snail
Canning Process

Helix lucorum
, sometimes called "escargo turc," measures about 45mm across the shell. Since the Central European Roman snail or Escargot de Bourgogne as been put under governmental protection nearly everywhere and not allowed anymore to be collected, the striped Roman snail (Helix lucorum) makes a major part of the snail market in Europe. It is found in central Italy and from Yugoslavia through the Crimea to Turkey and around the Black Sea. Three quarters of the overall export are from Turkey. That is why this snail also is called Escargot Turc (Turkish snail).

Abolone Conch Escargot Snail Key Hole Limpet Periwinkle Trophon Top Shell Welk

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