Welk (Whelk) mollusca are known to
hunt their own prey and also eat other shellfish. The average length of
welk mollusca is 5 inches and the largest can grow up to 15 inches long.
The common names whelk and conch refer to large snails.
The common welk mollusca like to live in the environment and soft bottom.
Most of the welk mollusca siphon their food and their diet may consist of
clams that are opened by their hard shell, then they insert their long
proboscis. Radula, rough tongue-like organ helps them when they eat and
this also serves as their teeth. The rough tooth like organ helps them
smell its food and can sense if there are any predators coming at them.
Some fishermen use crabs as bait to catch whelk and this industry have
grown in all parts of the world with the increasing overseas demand this
type of marine snail