
Tanner Crab

Blue Crab
Dungeness Crab
Centolla Crab
Centollon Crab
Chilean Stone Crab
Jonah Crab
King Crab
Land Crab
Mangrove Crab
Oyster Crab
Rock Crab
Spider Crab
Snow Crab
Softshell Crab
Stone Crab
Soft Shell Crab
Tanner Crab
Crab Preparation

Tanner Crab  (Chionoecetes bairdi)

Also known as Snow Crab this crab is found in deep water at depth greater than 1500 feet along the Continental Shelf of the North Pacific Ocean from Oregon to Alaska and down the west coast to Baja California.

Although there is a plentiful resource of Tanner Crab few are caught  and marketed due to the extreme depth and equipment needed to harvest the crab.  Tanner Crabs are occasionally caught in King Crab traps in Alaskan waters.

The female crab seldom weighs more than one pound while the male averages two and a half pounds and has a higher quality meat.

Shrimp/Prawn/Scampi Lobster Crab Barnacle Crayfish

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